Hi. I’ve got a 2005 mitibushi warrior (old shape). Had some problems with the flashing 4wd light when in 2wd it’s drives perfectly fine and 4wd works when selected, the only sighn all is not well is that if you drive in 2wheel drive with it in gear and put yr foot on the clutch and turn the ignition off whilst rolling forward a horrible noise can be heard under the passenger side footwell.
So before I worked on it the metal rod going into the diff was free to move forwards and back ward if moved by hand it would not move by selecting 4wd 2 wd by the selector in the cab.
I found a leak on one of the vaccum pipes, also replaced the 2 solinods as one was faulty and unblocked the small metal pipe coming off the alternator, now the actuator is working pushing the rod in for 2wd and out for 4wd and the green light goes out instantly, however you still get that grinding noise if you turn the ignition off whist rolling forward in gear with the clutch down. I’ve noticed that when the ignition is turned off the actuator into diff reales instantly, I would have thought that should stay in the in position ( I may be wrong).
The black tank under the drivers wheel arch seems to hold air when you take the pipe off it and blow into it and hold the pressure static.
Any help will be very much appreciated