Hi. I have recently purchased a 2014 L200 Barbarian which looks like it’s never been off-road, never carried heavy loads, never been abused at all other than city/motorway work. But it does have a hesitation issue. Whenever accelerating and it reaches approx 2300rpm it hesitates, loses throttle, almost shudders, drops off about 100rpm, then continues pulling strong up to 4000 rpm (possibly more but I didn’t want to push higher than that) If I’m accelerating hard with my foot to the floor it’s the slightest shudder and barely noticeable that anything at all has happened. But if I’m pulling slowly, feeding the throttle, it’s very noticeable shake, as if I have just let go of the throttle suddenly and completely before putting my foot back on. Any ideas where to look, my initial guess was hoses but they look really good for the ones I can easily see. It did just have a cambelt change before purchase if there is anything I should be concerned about there too. Thanks
Could be MAF sensor, you can get a MAF sensor cleaner and should only £15 or so, I would try this first, I had a very similar issue but not so shaky and cleaning the MAF sorted it right out or could be the egr blocking the intake with soot
Hi. Thanks, have tried cleaning the MAF over the weekend, unfortunately it made no difference. I have tried adding a blanking plate on the exhaust side of the egr which threw the expected engine management error but didn’t resolve the shudder. I have tried turning off traction control thinking something was grabbing the brakes as it can be that brutal at times. I have visibly checked the egr and it looked reasonably clean then cleaned it out. I have looked at the scv that looked very clean. Next on my list is to check the vacuum hoses once some gauges arrive but I’m not sure where to go after that other than replacing things at random. Thanks