ecu fault

#1 by tux ( Guest ) , Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:08 pm

Hi Guys. I am hoping that some of may be able to help me. I have a 03 plate shogun sport 2.5 td. I know it's not an l200 but if I can get it fixed I can part ex it for one which I should have bought in the first place. When driving the other day it cut out and on inspection I found the blue 20 amp fuse had blown in the main fuse box. I replaced it with another which allowed the truck to start but it would not rev. I took it to the garage who replaced the egr valve. Fault code 46 kept coming up. The truck still would not run properly. If they take one of the vacuum pipes off it will rev but with loads of black smoke. They then found a track had burnt out in the ecu which was repaired but when it was put back in it burnt out straight away again. They have told me a new ecu but I am afraid it will blow as well. Have any of you guys experienced this before. I would be very grateful for any advice.


RE: ecu fault

#2 by krutly , Tue Sep 09, 2014 7:57 pm

@LezT may be able to help when he sees this post
if it were me , I'd be inclined to think that a new ECU would probably blow the same as the other as there is a fault of some kind causing it to blow ......... that said, I know very little about the electrics on these vehicles other than things that have gone wrong with mine that I have personal experience of.

why not register as a member anyway, you dont need an L200 to become a member and if you're looking for one then there is plenty of advice on here of what to look for and what to avoid

2003 4life now sold
2011 walkinshaw , lego mechanic

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Date registered 10.21.2011

RE: ecu fault

#3 by Lemmy , Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:19 pm

A Shogun Spurt is essentially an L200 with a traditional way as he 4x4 body plopped atop and a few minor suspension tweaks, so you're in then right place.

Something is causing the ECU to fry, and a replacement will doubtless go the same way. Lezbo is your man.

Posts: 3.012
Date registered 02.13.2014

RE: ecu fault

#4 by LezT , Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:53 pm

Tux, sorry been at the hospital with my mrs mate, where are you firstly and would you know what the track connects to in the plugs or would you be willing to send it to me to try and get to the bottom of the problem.

K74 02 plate
Shoggy Sport 3.0 v6
Kenwood TS670.. Yaesu FT575GX.. YaesuFT8800D.....Yaesu FT897
Yaese FT101ZD......20M BitX3C TXRX
Kenwood Chef.....Goblin Teasmaid

“If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons”

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RE: ecu fault

#5 by Shogun Mad ( Guest ) , Fri Nov 14, 2014 6:27 pm

I have the same issue with my 2003 Shogun Sport, please help!!


Shogun Mad

RE: ecu fault

#6 by LezT , Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:05 pm

Shogun mad, I had no reply to my post to Tux, without some more info or the actual ECU to diagnose ( unless you can give me the pin number that connects to the bit that blows) I can do nothing else... more info and maybe we can progress. please..

K74 02 plate
Shoggy Sport 3.0 v6
Kenwood TS670.. Yaesu FT575GX.. YaesuFT8800D.....Yaesu FT897
Yaese FT101ZD......20M BitX3C TXRX
Kenwood Chef.....Goblin Teasmaid

“If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons”

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Posts: 18.434
Date registered 10.01.2011

RE: ecu fault

#7 by black8898 ( Guest ) , Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:14 pm

[quote=LezT|p280415]Shogun mad, I had no reply to my post to Tux, without some more info or the actual ECU to diagnose ( unless you can give me the pin number that connects to the bit that blows) I can do nothing else... more info and maybe we can progress. please..[/quote]

I am nothing to do with the chap who had asked you about his ECU problem but I myself have a similar problem with my ECU on my 2003 L200 Animal.
The engine just cut out whilst just ticking over and would not start again I then found that the Blue 20 amp fuse under the bonnet had blown so replaced that but although the engine tried to start I could not get it to run, I have now found a track blown in the ECU so very carefully I repaired it but that has not worked infact whereas I had an error code of 46 and 52 I now have error code 54 come up so if anything I have caused another problem, so I wondered if you might be able to give me some guidance?
Have got a picture of where the track has blown if that is of any use?


RE: ecu fault

#8 by krutly , Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:27 pm

Hello mate
why not sign up to the forum. It's free to do so and once registered you'll be able to see and search all the forum. Not everyone can see this section so replies may well be limited.
a quick search on here has this for your fault codes
46 Injection correction ROM system
52 Variable geometry control pressure system
54 Immobilizer system

2003 4life now sold
2011 walkinshaw , lego mechanic

Forum Legend
Posts: 17.335
Date registered 10.21.2011

Last edited 12.17.2015 | Top

RE: ecu fault

#9 by 123hotchef , Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:55 pm

hi mate join the forum its free,

mean while try replacing the engine control relay located in the passenger foot well near the ecu


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: ecu fault

#10 by tkh ( Guest ) , Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:12 am

hi there ive just registered but awaiting confirmation
ive got a problem with my l200 sport its eml is on and running lumpy , fault code is ecu 00 but as i understand the fuel pump sends the signal to the ecu for fuel metering , also the revcounter comes and goes !
so my question is this would it be an ecu fault or pump fault ?
any info or test info greatly appreciated [truck2]


RE: ecu fault

#11 by 123hotchef , Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:14 am

what year truck


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: ecu fault

#12 by 123hotchef , Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:15 am

vary rare for the ecu to be faulty i would take it out and check the tracks for damage though


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: ecu fault

#13 by Guest , Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:47 pm

its a 2.5 2003 year ive checked fuses all ok , no signs of burning tracks in ecu, was wondering if the fuel pump was causing the issue as the revcounter drops the engine is running rough but only code is 00 ecu cheers

RE: ecu fault

#14 by 123hotchef , Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:28 pm

did u take the ecu out of its box and check the board both sides?

could be a fuel pump issue what did u read the code 00 with I have never seen or heard of 00 as a fault code

is it in limp mode with the eml on when running?


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: ecu fault

#15 by Guest , Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:31 pm

ok the scanner was snap on came up with ecu 00 fault
eml is on engine runs but hard to start and lumpy , ive checked the pins on the pump side for good connections all ok
ive also checked the ecu pins all clean there . the fault comes up on start up and will clear till the ignition is back on again im thinking the pump as the ecu seems fine , the pump info is going to the ecu and think this is why the code00 is coming up

RE: ecu fault

#16 by ronniecabers , Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:47 pm

A snap on reader can't read it correctly .... Classics are MUT3 , which is Mitzi , or there is a chines copy somewhere , that I'm sure someone will link too. You could well be getting the wrong code

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RE: ecu fault

#17 by 123hotchef , Wed Aug 24, 2016 11:01 pm

Snap on readers read tthese trufks just fine n.but i aimt seen 00 before and it aint in the manual


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: ecu fault

#18 by Towbarman ( Guest ) , Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:36 am

Have had simular fault L200 pick up 2003 k74 2.5
Had engine light on for while it ran fine them decided to fix light ! Clear light faults were with temp sensor and boost sensor
Then drove it away 3 miles park it up restarted it ra. Rough no revs clouds off smoke ! Leave it 5 mins engine tone changes it fixt its self been like this for 12 months
Until was driving cruising at 60mph revs dropped to tick over

Broke down ssnap on solas found sevral faults that all cleared engine ticked over then when switched it off would try start but not run
Put foot on pedal while turning key revs once smokes then ticks over ?
Checked fuel flow and filters blanked egr still same will check ecu next ????


RE: ecu fault

#19 by 123hotchef , Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:01 am

pull the ecu out and inspect the board


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Posts: 34.248
Date registered 02.15.2012


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