1996 with major clonk in 4WD

#1 by gif_L200 ( Guest ) , Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:47 pm

L200 1996 owned since 2000. Recently developed a very bad clonk in 4 wheel drive, thought it was NS outer CV, but by hanging out of the passenger door and head right under the floor, other half driving, the clonk is coming from the gearbox end of the prop shaft. Further inspection reveals a lot of movement at that end, is it the splines, bearing or gearbox. Gearbox was rebuilt 2 years ago. Prop' UJs are fine. Just to underline, no clonk in 2 wheel drive.

Ant suggestions welcome


RE: 1996 with major clonk in 4WD

#2 by ronniecabers , Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:07 pm

@spud any ideas?

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RE: 1996 with major clonk in 4WD

#3 by 123hotchef , Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:45 pm

R u sure the clonk ain't coming from the transfer box


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Date registered 02.15.2012

RE: 1996 with major clonk in 4WD

#4 by gif_L200 ( Guest ) , Mon Dec 14, 2015 3:52 pm

The propshaft rings with each clonk, would it do that if it was the transfer box? What could be wrong with the transfer box?



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