Well, after 2 years of sitting in shed, going to fit snorkel etc next weekend! question, once fitted will the ecu adjust to the airflow of snorkel, or do I need the ecu updated?
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
might even invest in a wading kit!!
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
On the landie ???
Site Owner
Semper Fi
Owned a classic 2001 4 life with loads of mods. Sadly now dead after 11 uears abuse/ownership.
Posts: | 14.739 |
Date registered | 09.30.2011 |
oh yes!!
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
Doesnt mater then about the airflow as it will breakdown as soon as it see's any water
Site Owner
Semper Fi
Owned a classic 2001 4 life with loads of mods. Sadly now dead after 11 uears abuse/ownership.
Posts: | 14.739 |
Date registered | 09.30.2011 |
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
Sorry mate that tickeled me
Your Area Rep for Newcastle upon Tyne Did have several l200s
04plate warrior snorkel off road ats lifted needs more mods waiting on the store's to open
Posts: | 2.902 |
Date registered | 10.02.2013 |
no worries, got broad shoulders, have to owning a Landy!!
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
Posts: | 339 |
Date registered | 12.30.2015 |
broad shoulders, deep pockets ;)
54* warrior
egr + cooler sacked off.
straight through pipe.
k&n apollo.
go faster chip.
2" suspension lift.
2" body lift
Posts: | 1.539 |
Date registered | 07.19.2014 |
I have to say, so far 5 years on,'touch wood' it has been more reliable than my warrior
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |
Quote: 123hotchef wrote in post #12
that is because u dont use it!
did have warrior, but crossed over to disco 2.
Thought I could see light at the end of the tunnel, but it was somebody with a torch bringing more work!
Landies don't leak oil, they just sweat
Posts: | 5.813 |
Date registered | 10.06.2011 |