Fitted an after market kit a while back, started to play up lately. It was cheap unit, so thought it was that that was wrong. Turns out that the wire coming off the white multi plug off the fuse box was broken. Didn't see this till I had the unit off. Been a real pain, having a bad back, to rejoin the wires. So my question is, is there any other wires that are easier to get to that I can join into to make my remote central unit work. Colours of wires and where their found would be really appreciated.
54 plate 4life, black over silver
Posts: | 151 |
Date registered | 10.01.2015 |
Thats the best place mate
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
Thought as much, oh well it can wait till I'm not so sore!
54 plate 4life, black over silver
Posts: | 151 |
Date registered | 10.01.2015 |