really looks just like the one i got from them then i found them cheaper at the petrol station
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
Ahh maybe they do them. These were off ebay. Bought a pack of 2. Gave one the the Mrs, cos I'm a top bloke ey. (Not because she stinks)
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
Rite fellas need some help.
It's all back together,I've put water in it as when I dropped the water I didn't get a lot come out (only like the rad amount I would say) I put back in about 6 pints of water started her up and got to temp (middle of guage) with blowers hot but the top and bottom hose where both still cold so took it up the road and went up a hill temp gauge didn't move but the top hose was pressurised and hot but the bottom hose is still cold as well as the water in the overflow bottle.
What could this be?
Water pump?
Just bizarre the way the temp gauge stays at half way?!.
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
that is normal mate have to be going some to get the stat to open then the bottom hose will get warm
did u take the drain plug out of the block? 2 liters or so there
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
I took it out about 5 mins up a hill in second. Just worrying that the top hose was pressured up.
I didn't realise there was a plug in the block, where abouts should I be looking?
Cheers buddy your a great help
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
try doing the hill twice! lol
the block drain plug it in a awkward spot look at the oilfilter then work back to the turbo it is kind of under the turbo on the side of the block 12 or 14mm nut it is tappered and has sealant on it so it will be bloody tight i though my breaker bar was going to snap i also had to use about 4 extensions to get to it
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
Hahaha maybe that will work....
I will find that plug 2mo and struggle to get it off but it will be worth it after. Fill it all back up and I'm going to use blue antifreeze.
So why do you think the top hose was so hot and pressured? I'm just ultra worried what with the common head gasket issues
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
not sure why it was pressurized that aint good, i flushed mine through when i had the plug out also flushed the matrix out whilst it was all drained down I too refilled with glycol blue. supprissing the ammount that came out of the block plug.
is your heater blowing hot as it should do? Hve you checked the stat? are there any bubbles in the espnsion bottle?
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
It is blowing hot after a few mins the temp gauge goes half way and is lovely and warm. The expansion bottle was cold. I wasn't sure if it was the w/p not pumping it round. I guess the issue I have is I hadn't driven it much atal before ripping it apart to do the belt so don't know if it had this issue before.
I will have another good look in the morning, getting to cold and dark out there now.
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
it will be fine mate if the water in the bottle is hot or bubbling then u need to worry cold bottom hose is normal especially in colder weather when the truck aint working too hard
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
Reading up has settled me a bit. Will have a play 2mo. Some people say if u lift the front it helps too so I'll drive it up the ramps too.
Posts: | 39 |
Date registered | 01.22.2016 |
fill it up via the top rad hose when u re fill it u will not have a problem, then top up the rad and bottle as needed
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |