Hi while I'm waiting to be able to sign in to forum again I thought I would post here.Is there any way to tell if my transfer box is knacked or its something else wrong.The truck runs great in 2WD but when I put it into 4wd it's like something is jammed and won't move. It is an 07Warrior with super select box. Thanks
Check the oil levels first
2017 Ford Kuga AWD 180 Titanium X.
2018 Abarth 595 - Now Sold.
2013 Grey Barbarian - Now Sold
2006 Black Warrior (New Shape) - Now Sold
2005 Black Warrior (Classic) - Now Sold
Stoke On Trent
Posts: | 6.932 |
Date registered | 10.02.2011 |
I will thanks Nick I'm not much of a mechanic but that I should manage 👍do I just take out fill plug and see if tho oil is level? Second thoughts I will change all oils if I can.Need to go and buy a socket set now.
Make sure you get the correct grade oil, its in the handbook.
Yes its dead easy to top up.
2017 Ford Kuga AWD 180 Titanium X.
2018 Abarth 595 - Now Sold.
2013 Grey Barbarian - Now Sold
2006 Black Warrior (New Shape) - Now Sold
2005 Black Warrior (Classic) - Now Sold
Stoke On Trent
Posts: | 6.932 |
Date registered | 10.02.2011 |