cheap cheap roof bars

#1 by dazmanf , Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:29 am

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Put it oN eBay finds as well

2003 warrior RIP Monday 10th February 2014
2001 trojan green over silver, 30mm wheel spacers, all terrains, side steps removed, egr blanked, air con unit, rad and tension plate removed.
Trojan died the ole bitch, driving a Peugeot 406 now ffs

Posts: 2.987
Date registered 09.07.2012

Last edited 04.21.2015 | Top

RE: cheap cheap roof bars

#2 by Lemmy , Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:51 am

I'd be well up for them if they weren't half a country away.

Posts: 3.012
Date registered 02.13.2014


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