Evening all, just noticed tonight that images from my reverse camera to head unit are reversed, ie right side shows on left and left on right. It's a Kenwood head unit. Almost seems like the camera is for forward face. Any ideas how to cure before I turn the wrong way and prang something or some one.
Highlander, There can be only one!
2011 Barbarian L200
75 Bultaco sherpa350
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Ducati xDiavel s
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Date registered | 03.02.2019 |
Some cameras have a separate wire which has to be grounded for reverse image.
Every great journey starts in first gear and by releasing the clutch....
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Date registered | 05.30.2018 |
I'd start with looking into the system menu, as some headunits have a flip setting. There are people in the world who it makes it easier for. As an example of this, client has her RRSport setup like that, and she also uses the mouse on the LHS of the keyboard, upside down. She says it feels natural to her!!
Anything is possible, all you need is imagination or own a bank!
2011DCLB - No I'm not compensating.
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Date registered | 10.21.2011 |
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Date registered | 10.21.2011 |
Perfect cheese bud.
Highlander, There can be only one!
2011 Barbarian L200
75 Bultaco sherpa350
80 Ossa 350 gripper
Scorpa125 long ride
Ducati xDiavel s
Posts: | 60 |
Date registered | 03.02.2019 |