L200 exhaust nut size??

#1 by LouieBC ( Guest ) , Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:43 pm

I’ve just bought a Cybox exhaust system for my 2010 L200 Raging Bull (doublecab), and I can’t get the nuts off the two bolts underneath, where they connect to the cat right at the front (before it goes up into the motor). They look like 18mm size, but my 18mm socket won’t fit onto them. Don’t know if it’s just rust making the nut too big, or if the nut is 19-20mm or larger?

Any advice on the nut size would be amazing, and maybe tips on how to dissolve the rust. Was thinking of WD-40, but I’m sure there are better products.

I’m really hoping to do this replacement myself, as it doesn’t look too complicated, and hate paying a mechanic for basic repairs. I’m no mechanic, but quite handy and understand the basics.

Thanks for any help guys. :)


RE: L200 exhaust nut size??

#2 by 123hotchef , Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:08 am

plus gas, ore accetone and ATF fluid mix 50%

heat them up with a torch until glowing to will also help


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