L200 limp mode

#1 by Alan waters ( Guest ) , Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:54 pm

I have a 07 2.5 l200 that keeps going into limp mode when in idle Changed the sucking control valve as that is the fault code even changed the fuel filter too but it's still doing it but if I keep the rev at 1000 it doesn't happen anymore ever have this problem

Alan waters

RE: L200 limp mode

#2 by Guest , Sun Apr 19, 2020 1:51 am

I had something similar, massive loss of power, struggled up hills etc. turned out there is a small black hose which had come off. Popped it back on with a cable tie to hold it and all back fine.

RE: L200 limp mode

#3 by 123hotchef , Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:51 am

Quote: A guest wrote in post #1
I have a 07 2.5 l200 that keeps going into limp mode when in idle Changed the sucking control valve as that is the fault code even changed the fuel filter too but it's still doing it but if I keep the rev at 1000 it doesn't happen anymore ever have this problem

is the eml on


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RE: L200 limp mode

#4 by Nick , Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:15 pm

Check the small black rubber pipe from the bulkhead (behind the battery) to the engine.
This is the boost pipe, it can crack or split.
Also where the pipe goes to the engine it can become blocked up inside the alloy tube, you will need a small drill bit to poke inside.
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