I've got a thrust bearing noise when taking my foot off the clutch at idle which by all accounts is not unusual, what does concern me however is a similar sort of noise under load in third and fourth gears.
Is this likely to be the thrust bearing or something more sinister?
2005 Animal - Moonshine Black with Mitsi hard top, rebuilt engine, EGR & CAT removed.
Most problems can be repaired but will the end result be worth the effort and expense?
Posts: | 136 |
Date registered | 09.11.2015 |
could be i hope so for your sake mate, have u dropped the g box oil recently
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
I've only done about 50 miles in it since I bought it, doing all transmission oils on Saturday morning.
2005 Animal - Moonshine Black with Mitsi hard top, rebuilt engine, EGR & CAT removed.
Most problems can be repaired but will the end result be worth the effort and expense?
Posts: | 136 |
Date registered | 09.11.2015 |
check the t box and g box fluid out when u drop them it may tell a story the noise may go with new fluid but i doubt it mine has made the same noises for a year now and the clutch is so hard compared to my other truck something is not right but it goes
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
I'll see what kind of crap comes out in the oil, fingers crossed!
I guess it could also be something on the prop?
2005 Animal - Moonshine Black with Mitsi hard top, rebuilt engine, EGR & CAT removed.
Most problems can be repaired but will the end result be worth the effort and expense?
Posts: | 136 |
Date registered | 09.11.2015 |
or both! i know i need a new center bearing on prop that is another noise
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
My old truck made a strange noise that got worse, turned out to be the clips for the return bearing. Could be them
54 plate 4life, black over silver
Posts: | 151 |
Date registered | 10.01.2015 |
Not likely to be this but my input bearing collapsed on my V5M21 gearbox. made a funny noise in 3rd and 5th. You should have the stronger V5MT1 box if it is a classic though. Could also be the spigot bearing if somebody changed the clutch and didn't bother their arse pulling the old one out.
Probably the least effective ever AREA REPRESENTATIVE: South East England
'93 Strada double cab, broken... 5 years off the road, list of things to repair just about getting shorter!
'94 Strada double cab 'parts truck'... too good to break?
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Date registered | 01.22.2012 |