
#1 by Goose ( Guest ) , Sun May 27, 2018 11:00 pm

I’m looking at buying a Barbarian but can’t find a difinitve answer, please help. Can you have a roller shutter cover (that is lockable and safe) for everyday use and also have a the hard top option when I occasionally need to carry a lot more? Thanks


RE: Covers

#2 by krutly , Sun May 27, 2018 11:13 pm

you have to take the roller shutter off to fit the hard top (I have both) as the hard top fits inside the lip of the bed which will be covered with the roller shutter sides when it's fitted

2003 4life now sold
2011 walkinshaw , lego mechanic

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Date registered 10.21.2011

RE: Covers

#3 by Goose ( Guest ) , Mon May 28, 2018 7:53 pm

[quote=krutly|p408263]you have to take the roller shutter off to fit the hard top (I have both) as the hard top fits inside the lip of the bed which will be covered with the roller shutter sides when it's fitted


Thank you Krutly! So do you swap the over when you need to or is changing them a long job and not something you can do just go away for the weekend?


RE: Covers

#4 by krutly , Mon May 28, 2018 8:08 pm

depends really, I'd have to remove the roller shutter and all it's bits (half an hour or so)
then remove the rear bars and wiring for the spots (maybe an hour)
then with the help of a friend put the canopy back on (they are heavy) and replace the clamps that hold it down

probably a couple of hours work to change over from one to the other
did it now and then on my last one when I was going camping for a week and needed the space but it is quite a faff to swap everything over

to be honest, next time I go camping and need to swap it over ......... I'll learn to pack less and just keep the roller shutter on

2003 4life now sold
2011 walkinshaw , lego mechanic

Forum Legend
Posts: 17.335
Date registered 10.21.2011

Last edited 05.28.2018 | Top


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