I found you lot by google searching for l200 things and seen this so thought I would join as you guys would know more then some idiots on the net lol
Posts: | 50 |
Date registered | 11.16.2014 |
Quote: kieranstacey wrote in post #126
I found you lot by google searching for l200 things and seen this so thought I would join as you guys would know more then some idiots on the net lol
K74 02 plate
Shoggy Sport 3.0 v6
Kenwood TS670.. Yaesu FT575GX.. YaesuFT8800D.....Yaesu FT897
Yaese FT101ZD......20M BitX3C TXRX
Kenwood Chef.....Goblin Teasmaid
“If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons”
Posts: | 18.434 |
Date registered | 10.01.2011 |
Quote: LezT wrote in post #127Quote: kieranstacey wrote in post #126
I found you lot by google searching for l200 things and seen this so thought I would join as you guys would know more then some idiots on the net lol
But we are the idiots on the net...![]()
Thread locking available here...no fee!
Posts: | 11.226 |
Date registered | 11.09.2012 |
I found it by search engine for my sins
Your Area Rep for Newcastle upon Tyne Did have several l200s
04plate warrior snorkel off road ats lifted needs more mods waiting on the store's to open
Posts: | 2.902 |
Date registered | 10.02.2013 |
I am on north east Laners and saw a thread about coast to coast green landing that instantly got my attention and enquired where the subject was being discussed so here I am (cheers woody)
Posts: | 11 |
Date registered | 11.17.2014 |
I'm on the Facebook page. You all seem a good bunch of helpful lads. And love seeing all your beasting trucks 😃
Posts: | 2 |
Date registered | 11.17.2014 |
I saw a sticker on the back of a black L200 in Luton
K5 NATHAN AIRCHIMES @152dB & 150psi
Posts: | 766 |
Date registered | 01.10.2015 |
Trying to find out how to fix bits and bobs on the truck, you guys came top with every search on google. Best thing i did joining, found out loads of useful stuff and some no so but fun.
Posts: | 137 |
Date registered | 09.30.2014 |
A friend of mine is a member an after buying a 55 plate warrior my my self he told me to join
Posts: | 2 |
Date registered | 01.28.2015 |
Found via Google search when looking for an L200 owners forum (this one and L200.org )
2015 L200 Challenger
Posts: | 69 |
Date registered | 03.26.2015 |
No.swearing redrock
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
I was searching the Web looking for answers to why my truck was playing up and L200.org was bloomin useless...stumbled across a link for here and glad I did.
Posts: | 6 |
Date registered | 06.02.2015 |
Quote: o0benski0o wrote in post #140
I was searching the Web looking for answers to why my truck was playing up and L200.org was bloomin useless...stumbled across a link for here and glad I did.
Posts: | 2.782 |
Date registered | 10.25.2014 |
i wont tell the boss if u dont!
Posts: | 34.248 |
Date registered | 02.15.2012 |
had anew one in 2000 as a works truck now retired and would like one for shooting etc found the site while surfing the net
Posts: | 9 |
Date registered | 08.29.2015 |
Just got a 57 plate warrior & googled l200 forums & ta- dah here i am.
The funniest thing about this particular signature is that by the time you realise it doesn't say anything it's to late to stop reading it.....
Posts: | 10 |
Date registered | 08.30.2015 |
Found the forum whilst searching for some info on a running problem I'm experiencing having bought the truck a few days ago.
2005 Animal - Moonshine Black with Mitsi hard top, rebuilt engine, EGR & CAT removed.
Most problems can be repaired but will the end result be worth the effort and expense?
Posts: | 136 |
Date registered | 09.11.2015 |
Hi. Found the site via Google and glad i did !!
2003 Warrior. EGR/Cooler removed. Truck has plenty of character & makes strange noises on a daily basis. Never a dull moment and what else would i do with my spare time ?? Love it !!
Posts: | 31 |
Date registered | 09.13.2015 |
Found the site googling for L200 info on recommended oils for diff and gearbox. link sent me to this site.
looked good so signed up.
2012 Barbarian
Posts: | 4 |
Date registered | 09.13.2015 |
i found it inside a Cadbury Cream Egg....... I also found love there..... (or was that in a Kinder EGG) now im confused
Auto Electrician
Prevention is better than cure!
L200 New shape
Posts: | 418 |
Date registered | 11.22.2014 |
Was on the puter tryin to find info and spares for da beastie. Glad to have found you guys.
Posts: | 234 |
Date registered | 09.07.2015 |